Srotas(channels) theory of Ayurveda- The ayurveda experience

                               Disclaimer In this blog, we will learn about the concept of Srotas (channels) according to Ayurveda. We will understand how they function and what role they play in our bodies. Srotas is used in Ayurveda to refer to the channels or canals that facilitate various functions in the body. According to the principles of Srotas, every living being has multiple channels or Srotas in their body, which enable the circulation of vital substances such as Prana (life force), Ojas (vital essence), Rasa (plasma), Mal (waste), Mutra (urine), Stanya (breast milk), Prasada (digestive enzymes), Aama (toxins), and Neera (lymph) throughout the body. According to Ayurveda, the purpose of these channels is to regulate the flow of vital, physical, and mental aspects of life.  such as Prana, Sukha (pleasure), Dukha (pain), nutrition, immunity, elimination, activities, growth, and disorders, with...

Ashtanga Hridayam 'The Ultimate Guide of Ayurveda '

                   Ashtanga Hridayam

The Ashtanga Hridayam,the Heart or of all the Eight Branches of Ayurveda.

Ashtanga Hridayam is the third among the foundational Vedic texts of Ayurveda.

The Ashtanga Hridayam is one of the most important texts in Ayurveda.which is an ancient system of medicine originating from India.

Vagbhat - Ashtanga Hridayam was written by Vagbhata.he was a renowned scholar and physician in ancient India.

 The Ashtanga Hridayam is considered a grumous version of the earlier texts called Charaka Samhita and Sushruta Samhita. it serves as a spacious and practicalg Guidelines to Ayurvedic medicine.

 Vrihattrayi -

This book includes both medicine and surgery. Charaka Samhita, Sushruta Samhita and Ashtanga Hridayam are collectively called.

He himself has said about his book that, this book is like the heart of Ayurveda in the form of body, just as the body is dominated by the heart, in the same way, in Ayurveda literature, Ashtangahridaya is like the heart.

The specialty of Buddhism is visible in this code and Mahamayurividya is also mentioned in it.

There are 6 sections, 120 chapters and a total of 7120 verses in the Ashtangahridaya. The following are the names of the six sections of the Ashtangahridaya-

      Sutrasthan (30 chapters)

      Sristhan (6 chapters)

      Nidana Sthan (16 Chapters)

      Medical Places (22 Chapters)

      Kalpasthan (6 chapters)

      Uttarasthan (40 chapters)

      It is believed that Vagbhata was born in the state of Sindh. Who is in Karachi today. The work shares more similarities with Charaka's approach than Sushruta's.

The word 'Ashtanga' in the texts refer to the eight branches or aspects of Ayurveda-

Kaya Chikitsa - This branch focuse for the diagnosis and treatment of internal diseases, like various systemic disorders.

Shalya Chikitsa -  It chapter says about surgical procedures, including both minor and major surgeries. He also detailed about the use of surgical instruments and techniques.

Shalakya Tantra -  This branch deals with diseases related to the eyes, ears, nose, throat, and head. It gives treatments for conditions like cataracts, hearing loss, sinusitis, etc.

Kaumarabhritya - It focuses on the care and treatment of children. It covering aspects like growth, development, diseases, and general well-being.

 Agada Tantra - This branch says about the identification, diagnosis, and treatment of status and toxic conditions who caused by plants, animals, minerals, or chemicals.

 Bhuta Vidya - It addresses mental disorders, psychological issues, and spiritual aspects of health. It considers the therapies to balance the mind and maintain mental well-being.

Rasayana Tantra - It focuses on promoting longevity, rejuvenation, and overall well-being in the elderly population through various treatments and lifestyle practices.

Vajikarana -  This branch deals with sexual health, fertility, and the promotion of healthy reproduction. It includes treatments and therapies to enhance sexual potency and fertility.

 The Ashtanga Hridayam covers a wide range of topics related to these eight branches of Ayurveda. It discusses various aspects of diagnosis, treatment, prevention, lifestyle recommendations, dietary guidelines, pharmacology etc.

 The text provides detailed information about the human body, anatomy, physiology, and pathology.

The Ashtanga Hridayam is written in Sanskrit and is divided in chapters. each chapter focusing on a specific topic or aspect of Ayurveda. It is highly regarded for his clear and concise explanations.making this accessible to both students and practitioners of Ayurveda.

Ashtanga Hridayam continues to serve as a root source for Ayurvedic philosophy and protocol, providing clear guidelines in all aspects of health.

Conclusion is the Ashtanga Hridayam serves for extensive guide to Ayurvedic medicine, providing valuable insights into the principles and practices of ancient healing system. It continues to be studying and reversing by Ayurvedic practitioners in all over world.

Read  More about ayurveda -

 Asthang rhidyam book (English edition) - 

  Asthang Rhidyam book ( Hindi edition)-


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