Srotas(channels) theory of Ayurveda- The ayurveda experience

                               Disclaimer In this blog, we will learn about the concept of Srotas (channels) according to Ayurveda. We will understand how they function and what role they play in our bodies. Srotas is used in Ayurveda to refer to the channels or canals that facilitate various functions in the body. According to the principles of Srotas, every living being has multiple channels or Srotas in their body, which enable the circulation of vital substances such as Prana (life force), Ojas (vital essence), Rasa (plasma), Mal (waste), Mutra (urine), Stanya (breast milk), Prasada (digestive enzymes), Aama (toxins), and Neera (lymph) throughout the body. According to Ayurveda, the purpose of these channels is to regulate the flow of vital, physical, and mental aspects of life.  such as Prana, Sukha (pleasure), Dukha (pain), nutrition, immunity, elimination, activities, growth, and disorders, with...

Seven metal(sapt dhatu) theory of Ayurveda.




In this ayurveda artical,we learn about sapta dhatu( matels) . This is a most important principal theory of ayurveda.

This chapter is making 'The Ayurved Experience' to a next leavel.

The Sapt Dhatus are responsible for the structure of the body. Which are useful for body building, nutrition and activities. These seven metals form the constituent organs of the body and are important for the physical structure and health of the body.

Manufacturing of sapt dhatu (metals) - 

 According to Sushruta, the substance that man eats, before that a subtle essence is formed in liquid form, which is called Rasa. Its place is called the heart. From here it spreads through the arteries to the whole body. This juice, mixed with fire, first takes the form of blood and then meat, fat, bone, marrow, Venus etc. are made from it. Whatever food we eat, after being digested by the digestive fire, it goes through many processes and turns into these metals.

In The ayurveda food we eat further gets divided into two parts – essence and feces. Essence means nutrients and energy obtained from food. So that our body can function properly. Feces refers to the waste that is formed after digesting food. Which has no contribution in the body, it comes out of the body in the form of feces. This essence of food reaches the blood with the help of air. Then it spreads through the blood in our body and forms metals.

All these metals are in a sequence. Each metal after being digested by fire converts into the next metal. Example - Like the food we eat first turns into juice (plasma) after being digested by the digestive fire. After this, plasma enters the blood and then muscles are formed from the blood. In the same way this sequence continues. Lastly, Shukra means reproductive tissues (semen, sperm) etc. are formed.

It is very important to cure the digestive fire in the body. Rasa Dhatu (Plasma) is the basic element in the formation of all these metals. Let us know in detail about each metal. The names of the seven metals and their functions are as follows -

1 - Rasa Dhatu (Plasma metal) - All the functions of the three doshas, ​​seven metals, five elements, body, senses and mind are done by this metal. Rasa Dhatu is formed in the digestive system. Then this juice spreads through the blood in the whole body. Due to disturbances in defects, the level of metals also changes. If the imbalance in the doshas affects the dhatus, then disease arises. The metal whose contamination causes disease, that disease is said by associating it with the name of that metal.

Working of Rasa Dhatu - rasa dhatu gives satisfaction and happiness and nourishes the next dhatu (blood) from itself. Symptoms of increased rasa dhatu - When Rasa Dhatu increases, symptoms similar to Kapha outbreak appear. Like excessive salivation, loss of appetite, Not feeling well, bad taste in the mouth, fever, fainting, Impotence, loss of digestive power, wrinkles on the skin. 

 Deficiency of Rasa Dhatu  -

Deficiency in rasa dhatu is also injurious to health. This can be identified by several symptoms. Dry mouth, tiredness, dryness, pain in the heart and rapid heartbeat, fast breathing etc. are the symptoms of deficiency in Rasa Dhatu.

 Imbalance of rasa dhatu - The increase of rasa dhatu in the body causes many problems. The following are the major problems among them. 

Treatment - For the treatment of Rasaj diseases, the use of chemicals and strength-giving medicines is considered beneficial.

2 -  Rakta dhatu (Blood Metal)- Rakta Dhatu is responsible for the formation and circulation of blood in the body. It also helps in nourishing other metals. Blood is the most important part of our body. With its help, all other organs get nutrition. This metal enhances the color and the knowledge that we get from other senses is also possible only because of blood. Meat metal is formed by going ahead of blood. Nutrients of all metals are mixed in the blood itself.

 Efficiency of rakta dhatu - Redness appears in the skin and eyes when there is an increase in rakta dhatu. 

Deficiency of rakta dhatu  - When it is deficient, the blood vessels become weak. Due to its deficiency, the glow of the skin fades and the skin becomes dry. Acidic and cold things are preferred by the patient due to blood dhatu deficiency.

 Imbalance of rakta dhatu - Imbalance of blood dhatu in the body causes many problems. Some of the main diseases are as follows- leprosy blood cancer female genital bleeding mouth ulcers ripening of the penis enlargement of the spleen lump in stomach black mole and freckles on face Shingles White spot Jaundice arthritis 

Treatment - Blood purification, nutrition and virechana are the best remedies for diseases caused by rakta dhatu.

3 - Mass dhatu (muscles metal) - Meat metal forms the making of muscles and appendages of the body. It helps in making the muscles strong and healthy. The main function of meat dhatu is to build our muscles. Just like cement or clay is used to build a house. Similarly, in the construction of the body, there is a coating of muscles. Muscles give strength to the body. It provides protection to the entire structure of the body.

Efficiency of mass dhatu  - Due to the increase of meat metal in the body, obesity increases due to the increase of meat in the neck, hips, cheeks, thighs, legs, abdomen, chest etc. This causes heaviness in the body. Symptoms of Meat Metal Deficiency Due to the deficiency of meat metal, diseases like thinness in the organs, dryness in the body, some stinging pain in the body and weakening of the blood vessels start appearing. 

Imbalance of mass dhatu - Imbalance of meat dhatu in the body causes the following problems. increase in thigh flesh increase in the size of the glands in the throat lumps in tongue, soles and throat Treatment - Ghee, oil, fat and greasy things should not be consumed if meat metal increases excessively. Apart from this, include fasting, yoga and exercise as your habits in your lifestyle.।

4-Asthi dhatu (Bone matel) - Asthi Dhatu forms the bones of the body. It helps in making the bones strong and united. The structure of our body is made of bones only. On the basis of this the shape of the body and its organs is decided and the body remains erect.

Efficiency  of  asthi dhatu - Due to the increase of bone dhatu in the body, the size of the bones becomes thicker and larger than normal. Rapid growth of hair and nails, larger than normal size of teeth, pain in bones and teeth, diseases of beard and mustache etc. are its main symptoms.

Deficiency of asthi dhatu  - Due to the deficiency of bone metal in the body, the bones become weak. Pain in bones and joints, breakage and dryness of teeth and nails, loss of hair and beard etc. become diseases.

Treatment - When bone dhatu increases, a settlement made from bitter substances should be given. If the bone metal is weak, eat calcium-rich food, milk, whey, paneer, buttermilk, dry fruits. Apart from this, if there is weakness in the bones, take pulses like fresh fruits, green vegetables, gram etc. Walking in the sun for some time daily is also beneficial for bones. You can also take Muktashukti and Shankbhasma etc. for the strength of bones.

5 - Majja dhatu (Bon Mero) - Marrow Dhatu forms the marrow of the body. It helps in strengthening the bones and nourishing the marrow. The bone marrow present in the body is the marrow dhatu. There are empty spaces and holes inside the bones present in the body. The bone marrow remains filled in them. Bone marrow acts as a lubricant between the joints of the bones and makes them strong.

 Efficiency of majja dhatu  - Especially heaviness in the eyes and large boils in the joints of bones are the symptoms of aggravation of marrow dhatu. bone cancer blood cancer Pain and abscesses in the joints of the fingers Dizziness unconsciousness darkening before the eye

Deficiency of majja dhatu- Many types of diseases also occur in the body due to the deficiency of marrow metal. Such as - hollow bones osteopenia osteoporosis rheumatoid arthritis fractures of bones and joints Dizziness darkening before the eyes Venus.

6- Meda dhatu (Fat metal) - Meda Dhatu builds up fat in the body. It helps in providing heat and energy to the body. Meda dhatu means the fat present in our body. The main function of this metal is to bring smoothness and heat to the body. It gives strength, protection, firmness and stability to the body

Efficiency of meda dhatu - Due to the increase of fatty metals in the body, the glands of the throat increase, the size of the stomach starts increasing. Apart from this, getting tired after doing a little effort. Hanging of breasts and abdomen, foul odor from the body are the main symptoms of meda dhatu.

 Deficiency of meda dhatu - Due to the deficiency of fatty metals in the body, the main symptoms are drooping of eyes, dryness of hair and ears, thinness of stomach and other parts of the body, enlargement of the spleen. Due to deficiency of meda dhatu, non-vegetarian patients feel like eating fatty meat. , 

Imbalance of meda dhatu - Due to the increase of fat metal, many types of diseases occur. such as burning sensation in hands and feet matted hair dry mouth, throat, and feet laziness being very thirsty profuse sweating body irritation body numbness remedy- Increase in fat metal simply means increase in body fat. For this, efforts should be made to reduce obesity. Keep fast and do yoga for this. If there is a deficiency of meda dhatu, then eat fatty things like ghee, milk etc.

7- Shukra Dhatu (Venus metal) - It is considered to be the last and most powerful metal. It is directly related to the reproductive organs present in our body. All those things which help in producing children come under Shukra Dhatu. Shukra dhatu is responsible for the formation of sperm cells for males and the formation of the uterus for females.

The main function of Venus metal is to beget children. Attraction towards the opposite sex, bravery, fearlessness, discharge of semen at the time of sexual intercourse, etc. are governed by Venus. 

Efficiency of Venus metal - Excessive secretion of Venus, increased sexual desire and stones in the Venus passage are the symptoms of increase in Venus.

 Deficiency of Shukra Dhatu - Weakness, dry mouth, anemia, fatigue, impotence etc. are caused due to deficiency of Shukra Dhatu in the body. Apart from this, severe pain in the testicles, burning sensation in the penis are also symptoms of Venus deficiency.

 Imbalence of Shukra Dhatu - Imbalance of Shukra Dhatu in the body causes the following problems. impotence decreased desire for sex chances of having a sick child give birth to a neutered child giving birth to a young child give birth to a crippled child

Treatment - If there is more Venus in the body, fast, worship and eat a balanced diet. In case of deficiency of Shukra metal, take Shukra medicines containing spices and sweet juices that increase Venus. 

Conclusion -

These seven metals play an important role in the formation, nutrition and organization of major organs of the body. The balance of these metals is important for health and diet, exercise and Ayurveda medicine should be used to keep its components balanced.

The seven metal theory of Ayurveda is very important part of our hygienic and herbal Life. 

This way gives us a healthy and natural lifestyle.

                        Read more -

 Seven metal Theory book of Ayurved-



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