Srotas(channels) theory of Ayurveda- The ayurveda experience

Disclaimer In this blog, we will learn about the concept of Srotas (channels) according to Ayurveda. We will understand how they function and what role they play in our bodies. Srotas is used in Ayurveda to refer to the channels or canals that facilitate various functions in the body. According to the principles of Srotas, every living being has multiple channels or Srotas in their body, which enable the circulation of vital substances such as Prana (life force), Ojas (vital essence), Rasa (plasma), Mal (waste), Mutra (urine), Stanya (breast milk), Prasada (digestive enzymes), Aama (toxins), and Neera (lymph) throughout the body. According to Ayurveda, the purpose of these channels is to regulate the flow of vital, physical, and mental aspects of life. such as Prana, Sukha (pleasure), Dukha (pain), nutrition, immunity, elimination, activities, growth, and disorders, with...