Srotas(channels) theory of Ayurveda- The ayurveda experience

                               Disclaimer In this blog, we will learn about the concept of Srotas (channels) according to Ayurveda. We will understand how they function and what role they play in our bodies. Srotas is used in Ayurveda to refer to the channels or canals that facilitate various functions in the body. According to the principles of Srotas, every living being has multiple channels or Srotas in their body, which enable the circulation of vital substances such as Prana (life force), Ojas (vital essence), Rasa (plasma), Mal (waste), Mutra (urine), Stanya (breast milk), Prasada (digestive enzymes), Aama (toxins), and Neera (lymph) throughout the body. According to Ayurveda, the purpose of these channels is to regulate the flow of vital, physical, and mental aspects of life.  such as Prana, Sukha (pleasure), Dukha (pain), nutrition, immunity, elimination, activities, growth, and disorders, with...

Sushrut Samhita - The father of surgery

sushrut Samhita is one of the oldest book of Ayurvedic medicine, specifically based on practice of surgery. It is authered by Sushruta, a renowned ancient Indian physician and surgeon who lived around 600 BCE. Sushruta's work in the Sushrut Samhita provides comprehensive insights into various parts of surgical procedures, instruments, techniques, and post-operative care and safety.

In the eighth century, this book was translated into Arabic as 'Kitab-e-Susrud'.

Sushruta Samhita is an important book of Brihadtrayi

Brihadtrayi which is Charak Samhita, Sushrut Samhita and Ashtanga Hridayam is included. 

The book preached by Dhanvantari and written by his student  Sushruta. Who became famous in the Ayurveda world by the name of 'Sushrutsamhita'.S

ushruta Samhita is basically divided into 5 places and 120 chapters.the 5 places are- 



                Sharirsthana -10



 By adding the 66 chapters of Nagarjunakrit Uttaratantra to it.In present a total of 186 chapters are found in this Samhita. It mentions 1120 diseases, 700 medicinal plants, 64 procedures based on mineral sources, 57 procedures based on animal sources, and 8 types of surgeries. Sushruta Samhita is divided into two parts 

  •  Purva Tantra- 

 Purva Tantra has five parts – Sutrasthan, Nidanasthan, Sharirasthan, Kalpasthan and Chikitasthan. It has 120 chapters in which there is a detailed description of the first four parts of Ayurveda -

         Salya Tantra, 

         Agad Tantra

         Rasayana Tantra 


      The Charaka Samhita and the Ashtangahridaya texts also have 120 chapters only.

  •  Utarantra: This system has 64 chapters, in  there is a detailed description of the remaining four parts of Ayurveda - 





  This system is also called 'Upadravika' because it describes the 'nuisances' caused by surgery as well as fever, dysentery, hiccups, cough, worm diseases, pandu (jaundice), kamala etc. 

  Shalakya Tantra is a part of Uttar Tantra.The diseases of the eyes, ears, nose and head are described in the chapter.

Sushrut Samhita told us about his eight types of surgical operations have been told,which are -
  • chhed
  • bhed
  • lekhy
  • vedhy
  • aishy
  • ahaary
  • vishravy
  • seevy 
 In this way Shushrut Samhita has two chapters six and 186 chapters.

The Sushrut Samhita have multiple sections that cover a wide range of topics related to surgery. 

Sushrut samhita start with foundational principles of medicine, including anatomy, physiology, and the concept of doshas (fundamental energies governing the body). Sushrut samhita gives classification of diseases, diagnostic methods, and treatment approaches.

   One of the most significant contributions of Sushruta is his detailed descriptions of surgical procedures. Sushrut samhita extensively covers diverse surgical interventions, including plastic surgery, ophthalmology, orthopedics, obstetrics, and more.Sushruta explained various techniques for reconstructive surgery, such as rhinoplasty (nose reconstruction) and otoplasty (ear reconstruction).


 It cover techniques for tissue repair, wound closure, extraction of foreign bodies, and setting fractures.

Anesthesia: Sushruta mentions the use of herbal medicines to induce anesthesia during surgical procedures. He explained the preparation of a special concoction called "Sushruta Sneha," which was used as an anesthetic agent.

Sushruta emphasizes the importance of hygiene, patient management, and post-operative care. He also told about the role of diet, lifestyle, and medicinal herbs in promoting healing and preventing complications.

The Sushrut Samhita is not limited to surgical practices alone. It also discusses broader aspects of health, such as general medicine, pediatrics, geriatrics, and the use of herbal remedies. It provides a holistic understanding of healthcare, encompassing preventive measures, lifestyle recommendations, and the management of various diseases. 

Conclusion - 

Sushruta Samhita is the most important text of modern and ancient medical world and Ayurveda. This book is the history of surgery.

Sushruta is considered the father of surgery. He is also considered the father of plastic surgery.

Read for charaka samhita ---------


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